Ecstasy of Gold Rebrand |
Nothing but Gold
Ecstasy of Gold is a London-based film and animation studio for brands who will settle for nothing but gold. We created an identity to reflect their self-driven gold standards, reflecting their bold and ambitious attitude.
Time Lines
The block-like visual language is born from video software timelines, echoing the stacks of content bars, with an ever-present vertical playhead. Our unique golden playhead tracks, plays, reveals and wipes content, bringing the brand to life in motion.
Hallmark of success
The bold headline typeface is inspired by gold hallmarks with their chiselled corners. These chiselled edges are present throughout the identity, stylising our motion bars and imagery windows.
The Gold, The Bad, and the Ugly
The Ecstasy of Gold name originates as tribute to the iconic score from ‘The Good, The Bad and The Ugly’. In our own hunt for gold, we spotted inspiration for the bold logo in Clint’s trademark poncho.
Always in motion
The suite of brand assets comes to life fluidly in motion, with motion bars and golden playheads dynamically interacting with text, image and film.
Make it shine
The full website overhaul embraced the new and brave identity, boldly showcasing their golden case studies, their manifesto, and also a few hidden easter eggs — including an unconventional Error 404 page that appears for anyone wishing to see bland work.
The brand has been brought to life across a wide set of applications, including stationery, uniforms, equipment, livery, and some new shiny merch for the cast and crew.
That’s a wrap
Detailed brand guidelines fully document the brand assets and their use, outlining best practice, offering inspiration and documenting essential branded templates.